Conference - Expo - Networking
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Exhibitor Discount for TransformIT Europe 2026
Discount at GreenTech Stage Presentation (Limited Offer)
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Access to the Expo
Exhibitor Discount for TransformIT Europe 2026
Discount at GreenTech Stage Presentation (Limited Offer)
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Access to the expo
Exhibitor discount for TransformIT Europe 2026
Discount at GreenTech Stage Presentation (Limited Offer)
The conference room is limited to 500 seats
Prices include drinks during breaks & snacks and a free visit to the trade exhibition and the stage presentation during the evening trade fair party on the 6th May 2025.
Discount for stand registration:
1. for all companies that have registered a stand at TransformIT Europe 2025 and or May 2026 at the same time as registering for the 2025 conference (in any case up to 4 weeks before the conference), the conference fee will be waived in full.
2. all companies or delegates who book a stand for TransformIT Europe 2026 during the 2025 conference will a discount on the cost of the stand amounting to the full conference fee.
The stage entertainment program at the evening trade fair party will be interspersed with presentations from 10 companies showcasing a product or solution of exceptional significance or a particularly positive impact on climate and the environment.
Price for a stage presentation per company: 5,000 €
Discount for conference delegates and speakers:
Conference delegates and speakers receive a 300 € discount.
Price reduction for combined booking with conference participation:
The price of 5,000 € is reduced by 300 € to 4,700 €.
(Limited to approx. 30 - 40 stands - depending on the size of the stands)
The full-service price per m² (incl. catering, stand construction and ancillary costs) is 885.00 €.
6m²-Stand - 5,310.00 €
9m²-Stand - 7,965.00 €
12m²-Stand - 10,620.00 €
15m²-Stand - 13,275.00 €
24m²-Stand - 21,240.00 €
Other stand sizes on request.
Discount for stand bookings: The conference fee is waived for one individual.
Sponsorship packages include:
Bronze: 5 x 10,000 €
Silver: 3 x 20,000 €
Gold: 2 x 30,000 €
Platinum: 1 x 50,000 €