5 Clean Energy Companies To Look Out For

Say the words ‘clean energy’ and the first thing that usually comes to mind is an image of a wind turbine by the motorway or solar panel on your neighbour’s roof.

However, there are a growing number of companies in the clean energy space, with innovative technologies and approaches to collecting, storing and distributing power.
Here are 5 companies looking to unlock the potential of clean energy from environmentally friendly sources.


UK based Space Solar is on a mission to harness the potential to harness clean energy from outer space. The founders of Space Solar have assembled 80+ organisations (including the UK government) under the Space Energy Initiative to develop a new approach to harvesting solar energy. Put simply, a satellite, 1.7km in diameter, will be fitted with 60,000 solar panels and transmit high frequency radio waves to a ground station that converts the micro waves into energy, adding 2GW power into the grid.


New World Wind

This innovative company offers a localised power generating solution that’s designed to be better integrated into urban landscapes and community environments. Utilising Aeroleaf technology, the devices resemble trees and can capture both wind and solar energy.

These smart wind turbines can now be found in multiple countries across 5 continents.



Biomet transforms organic waste into liquid biomethane - a fuel for sustainable mobility solutions. With their green fuel solution, the company aims to decarbonise the logistics sector with an all round solution for heavy vehicles.



This Belgian based company wants to harness the power of rivers and canals to deliver clean energy to the grid. Its vortex turbine can work in isolation or form a network to deliver regional level power. A single turbine can deliver 15-70W of power 24 hours a day, and be set up to be both off grid and on grid. Turbulent has turbines up and running all over the world.



Awareness of geothermal energy solutions is growing. Recent news of Microsoft and Google looking at geothermal cooling solutions for data center projects is a good indicator that more businesses and governments will start exploring its potential. Ceraphi offers a number of solutions to support the planning, implementation and management of downhole heat exchange systems.
