Beren Van Daele

Owner, Consultant

Isle of IT


Coming from the field of software testing, he has been engaged in the ongoing challenge of advocating for ‘doing the right thing’ for more than a decade. Risk assessments, quality, and testing do not directly generate revenue and are often perceived as costs. When budget cuts are necessary, these areas are frequently the first to be reduced. The field of sustainability faces similar challenges—yet when such initiatives are abandoned, the consequences are clearly felt.

As a consultant, his key approach to securing buy-in, creating actionable plans, and achieving tangible results is his tool of choice: RiskStorming. Initially designed for assessing product risks, the format has now been adapted to focus on building a sustainable future.

RiskStorming excels in:

  • Identifying initial steps and strategies through a four-step, highly visual workshop
  • Brainstorming action points and developing a plan to achieve critical goals while mitigating risks
  • Securing buy-in from colleagues, as they are actively involved in shaping the plan from the start

In this session, he will explore what the sustainability field can learn from RiskStorming in the world of product quality.

About the speaker

Beren worked as a Test consultant for years before starting his own freelancing business where he consults as a product owner, quality coach, service delivery lead and other roles where he can add value.
Apart from the consulting work, he builds on his product: RiskStorming and gives training and workshops at organisations that need to do better Risk Assessments. An entrepreneurial IT Consultant with experience in Quality, Risk, People and Product who’s worked in startups, enterprises and everything in between.